For Brycen.........

If I was one thing, I'd be a candle
Lighting the way so you can handle

Your life easier without woes
Not having to fight with your foes.

I'd help keep you from stumbling over
Things blocking your path to an open door.

If I light your path, life is easier,
Even strong winds, my light will not deter.

No matter what, I'm here for you
To cheer you up when you are blue.

Do not fret when times get tough,
If things look down or kind of rough.

Just remember, I'm always here,
In your heart, close and near.

I will help you out in every way,
Happiness and love in your heart will stay.

Don't blow me out, that's one request
Unless it's me you do detest.

I do not try to hurt anyone
That isn't good or any fun.

But one day you may leave me behind
You may no longer need my light to shine.

If that day comes, go on your way
And I will hope to see you again one day.

If one day, I don't appear,
Do not worry, do not fear
I may be gone, but in your heart
The light I gave you did not depart.

It will be there forever and a day
To always bring you happiness and to light your way.


****Note: I did not write this. I found this on the internet but it says everything I want him to know. The fight begins tomorrow at 8:30. I could use some prayers and good thoughts. His IEP isn't being followed at all, the Special Ed. teacher is refusing to give me even a schedule of his day. I am done playing games and I am tired of being nice. Nice has gotten me nowhere. I will be Brycen's light and I will guide him and I will fight for what is rightfully Education based on HIS NEEDS and not someones budget sheet.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Raising Z and Lil C said...

Email me and let me know how it went!