the good, the bad, the ugly and the down right STUPID!

Oh my! It's been a whirl wind of a week. I don't know where to begin....let's start with the good:

Everyone is better. No more pukes. Brycen is having better, less stressful days at school and business is picking up just a tad (better than declining)

The bad:

My work only compensated me $228 out of $401 in fees. OUCH! that one hurt and I am not doing work for that particular store at the moment. {whatever....I have so much going on in my other 2 stores anyhow)

My back is horrible. I have burcitis in my hip and let me tell you I am NOT happy about this. You can read about it here. They gave me a cane and I can tell you that I cry every time I look at it. I can't even manage to use it at this point and the kids hound me constantly. It's an internal battle with me right now. I am working on it.

I slipped back in my depression. It took everything I had to not crawl into bed and just stay there. I wanted to every waking minute for the last 2 weeks. It happened right after the orthopaedic told me about the burcitis. I just can't take one more unfixable ache. I am so tired of living in this amount of pain. I start physical therapy tomorrow with a new therapist. I met her once and I really liked her....even though she is the one that gave me the cane. The only amount of activity I am allowed is walking in water and the water has to be to my chest. YEAH!

Ok, so enough bad....let's move on to the down right stupid shall we? This will make you shake your head at my stupidity. I have had a "toothache" for a while. My teeth hurt so badly. I went to the dentist and they did a full xray. He said I had a small infection on my left side but that shouldn't be causing all the pain on my RIGHT side. He gave me an antibiotic. Now....I had a tooth pulled 3 days before Christmas. I have been taking Motrin every 3-4 hours since then. Then the teeth on the right started so I was taking motrin straight through.

I am very careful about the amount of Tylenol that I take. I keep a log of it. I write down all the millegrams that I take so that I don't go over the daily allowance. I didn't do this with the Motrin.

Three days into the anitbiotic I realized what I had was not a bad toothache but a severe sinus infection. It was debilitating. I couldn't move once it kicked in. If I forgot to take my motrin on schedule the pain would be so severe that breathing would cause unbelievable pain. So Monday I took the day off from work to shop for Trevor's birthday. I lost track of time and in the middle of Target the pain kicked it. It was so severe I had to race to find some Motrin, Tylenol or Advil ASAP because I was in such pain I thought I was going to pass out. I found some Advil and took 3 right then and there. I figured I was safe. I have taken 800 mg of Motrin before. I sat on the floor in Target until the pain went away (about 30 minutes). I felt better and walked to the car to recoup just a little bit. I was fine for the rest of the day. I went and bought myself a pair of jeans exactly like the ones I was wearing that day. I needed new pants for work and these were black and I love them.

Tuesday morning came. I got up and I couldn't put my pants on. I felt funky when I woke I gained a ton of weight. I couldn't get my pants over my thighs. I thought..."hell, I bought the wrong size", I grabbed another pair of pants and they were really tight. I was so mad and wondered how a person could gain so much weight over night. I then went downstairs to put my shoes on. We were running late because we did Trevor's birthday party that morning before school. When I went to put my shoes on they were so tight I could barely get my feet in them. I stuffed my feet in and chalked it up to the heat in the house.

I worked all day. I was really achy but thought nothing of it. Just thought it was the cold. I picked the kids up, did their portfolios at school and came home to cook them dinner. I was still really sore. I had taken some Motril earlier and I thought maybe it was close to taking it again the last time I had taken it was at 2:00, I was due to take it at 6:00. I crouched down to get a pan out of the lower cabinet and severe pain radiated from my ankles to my calves. I stood up and was wondering what the hell happened and then my left arm got all tingly and I realized my entire body ached. I looked at my hands and they were so swollen. I picked up my pant leg and almost passed out from the size of my feet and ankles. I then checked my calves and my legs were HUGE! I was blown up like a balloon. How I didn't realize it earlier is beyond me.

I panicked, called my Dr. and they told me to go to the hospital. He thought I was having an allergic reaction. I called Ray and asked him to come home. One of the guys from work gave him a ride...I had the truck. Everything started getting worse. I was getting that feeling in my arm and realized that I was having the same reaction that I get when I take aspirin. I am allergic to aspirin. I know...I should have NEVER taken the Motrin but i had been fine for 3 weeks.

I got to the ER and my throat was all tingly by then. The Dr. saw me right away. I had about 20 lbs of extra fluid in me and I was definitely reacting to the motrin but not only was I having an allergic reaction to it....I OVERDOSED on it. I should have been taking 2 every 6 hours and I was taking 3 every 4.

They gave me meds to calm everything down, then the sent me home with a new much stronger antibiotic for the sinus infection (which he said I most definitely have) and pain meds. He told me I am not to take Motrin, Advil or Alleve. Nothing but tylenol based products.

I came home and went right to bed. While I am still swollen today it's not as bad. But my back aches so much more. I guess the motrin was really helping my back and now I am bummed that I am back to being in excruciating pain again. I woke up yesterday morning and this is what I looked like from my sinuses:

Scary huh? It happens every morning now. It takes quite a while for it to go down. This morning was better.

I am having a CT scan of my sinuses this week and blood work to make sure I didn't mess anything else up. Only me right?

So there you have it....the good, the bad, the ugly and the down right STUPID! I can't wait for this weekend. I am locking the kids and I in after the party on Saturday and we are doing NOTHING! I have had enough excitement for one week!

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Just can't be worse than mine! LOL (laugh out loud...for those that don't know)


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