a childs point of view....

Tonight Faith's homework was to say the Pledge of Allegiance and explain to me what it meant. She said the Pledge of Allegiance and then the conversation went something like this:

Mom: Good job! Now can you tell me what the Pledge of Allegiance is about

Faith: It's about our Flag

Mom: What makes our Flag so important?

Faith: It means we're free. See a long time ago there was this really mean king...he's from England. Do you know where England is? (without waiting for an answer) It's way across the ocean, you know the other side of the World. So this king was really mean so these 2 kids got in a boat and they came here. This happened a really long time ago....like when you and Mie-Mie were little. You know this mean king right?

Mom: Um no.....that was way before momma.

Faith: Are you sure?

Mom: YES!

Faith: OK, if you say so.

LOL! I love that kid....but if she keep insinuating I am really old I am gonna have to trade her in for a new one! ;)

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