The Dragonfly

It's been an exhausting week. As you know from my prior post my Aunt Sharon passed away. There has been a lot of hugging, crying, praying and trying to believe that she is in a much better place now.

On Sharon's 60th birthday she decided she wanted to do something "bad", she got a tattoo of a dragonfly on her shoulder. At Christmas she bought her 3 sisters and Miranda all necklaces of a dragonfly. It has become her "trademark". Miranda even wrote her mom a poem titled Dragonfly (I will post it when I get my copy)

This morning at 9:30 we all met at the cemetery for the burial. She had been cremated and she sat in a beautiful granite box with a Tigger and Eyeore and small blanket on top of it that represent her children. Above that were the flowers, right in front were the flowers from Miranda and Nick. The "MOM" banner prominently stood out in front. After the minister read the poems and versus we placed our flowers on top of the headstone and stood there in silence. All of a sudden out of no where a dragonfly came and landed on "MOM". Miranda noticed it first and yelled. It was a surreal moment.

It was her. There is no doubt in my mind. I haven't seen a dragonfly this early ever. For it to land right on the mom banner, at her burial...I am sorry but it's no coincidence. It was her way of telling us that she is ok.

She is in heaven and she is ok. She is resting in Peace and we couldn't have asked for more.

God Bless

1 comment:

Raising Z and Lil C said...

That is amazing! What a special moment.