little blurbs to catch you up....

On Sunday my baby girl turned 8. We had a nice party for her down at Forest River Park. It had to be done anywhere but here and it was free! :) The kids had a ball running around the park and playground. Ray cooked burgers and hotdogs and we hung around in the sun. It was the perfect day. She is a ball of energy to say the least. I love it but sometimes it's hard to keep up.

Brenden will be 22 tomorrow. Wow! Where has it gone? It went very fast. He is working full-time, trying to save enough to get him out to ASU this August. Did I tell you he got accepted to Arizona State University? He is attending the Business School. I am so proud of this boy. He has just really pulled it together. Took him a while but he did it and I couldn't ask for more.

I am in severe pain. I can't say it any other way. I hurt. All day, all night I catch myself holding my breath because it hurts so much. I can't work, some days I can't do anything but lay in bed on ice. Today is one of those days but I have to force myself to get things done because I am so far behind on everything.

The 4 shots in my spine messed something up badly. There are days I can't turn my head because it hurts my lower back. I cant turn my upper body without turning my lower body, twist if you may, or I can get stuck in that position for an extremely long period of time.

I finally had an MRI and survived it. I had to do it medicated but they put me in feet first and if I bent my head upward I could see the lights and the top of Ray's head.

I go in Friday to find out what it said. They wouldn't discuss it over the phone with me. Say a prayer it's fixable. I don't know how much more I can take. I feel like I'm 85 rather than 29 {wink wink}.

I am sorry to those of you I have not personally e-mailed. I spend a lot of time off the computer. I need to get a laptop so that I can use it from my bed or the couch and unfortunately funds just don't allow for it right now.

GM and Chrysler are "restructuring" and we are feeling the pinch. HUMMER...we are told, as of this a.m., has been who we don't know. People are scared and not buying. We are trying though.

Ray just got nominated for the PTO President at the school. I think it is a HUGE honor and I am so proud of him. For the amount of hours that man puts in at work he still tries to find time to donate to the school and his presence doesn't go unnoticed. I will keep you updated. I hope he does it and wins. I think he will be a great breath of fresh air for the school.

Ok, I have sat too ice calls. I hope you are all well. I'll update when I can

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